About the Issuer´s Guide
The Issuer’s Guide to the Portuguese capital markets aims to promote the awareness, transparency and dynamism of this market.
The Issuers Guide aims to be an important contribution to diversify the Portuguese economy, and the goal to improve its competitiveness and attract foreign investment, enabling businesses to have access to a capital market that can finance long-term investments, support innovation and facilitate entrepreneurship.
Accessing the capital markets, whether for equity or debt, represents an important step in the development of any company, and significantly increases its corporate and commercial profile.
For the preparation of this Guide, CMVM – Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários has collaborated with several stakeholders, to ensure you benefit from the perspective of entities who have a strong interest in developing a healthy capital market for companies that want to access the market in the future.
Our collective goals are to inform you of the opportunity, help guide you through the process, and ensure you can access the Portuguese capital markets with confidence.
The Issuer’s Guide is the result of a project funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, in cooperation with the DG Reform, and developed by CMVM with the support of EY.
Overall objective and purposes are:
• To increase awareness of the issuers for the use of capital markets as an alternative source of financing for their growth and recovery of the Portuguese economy;
• The dynamization of the Portuguese capital markets;
• To ease the access to the Portuguese capital markets and its ecosystem.